Principal Social Work Team

Social Work Consultant Support

Career Pathway


Social Work Apprenticeship


AYSE Portfolio Templates

Practice Education

Social Work Progression Level 2-3

Social Work Research

July 2024: In the ASYE Portfolio Templates section, new templates have been added for staff starting after April 2024. So there are currently two sections – one for staff starting before this date and one after.

Principal Social Work Team

Principal Social Work Team 2023

Social Work Consultant Support

Onsite Supervisors Role

Social Work Consultant Offer for Adult Social Care

Career Pathway

Career Pathway Diagram

Career Progression Guide for Social Workers in Adult Social Care


ASC Assessment Officer and Social Work Induction Programme

ASC Induction Programme for Leaders

ASC Induction Programme for Redeployed Staff

Social Work Apprenticeship

BA (Hons) Social Work Degree Apprenticeship: Programme Handbook 202l-2023


ASYE Handbook

DoH Knowledge and Skills Statements for Adults

BASW PCF Framework – Newly Qualified Social Worker (ASYE)

ASYE Portfolio Templates

Pre April 2024 ASYE templates

Part 1: Starting the AYSE

1-HP – Heading page

1-SAA – Support and assessment agreement

1-PQS – KSS self-assessment tool

1-PDP – Professional development plan initial first three months

1-CS – Confidentiality statement

Part 2: 0-3 Months, foundation review

2-HP – Heading page

2-DO – Direct observation one template

2-SI – NQSW supporting info

2-PDP – Professional development plan three to six months

2-RSPA – Foundational review at three months

2-SU – Citizen feedback template

2-OP – Feedback from other professionals template

2-VPD – Verification of professional documentation viewed to date

Part 3: 3-6 Months, interim review and assessment

3-HP – Heading page

3-VPD-verification of professional documentation

3-CR – Critical reflection log zero to six months

3-DO – Direct observation two template

3-PQS – SS self-assessment tool

3-PDP – Professional development plan for 6-9 months

3-RSPA 1

3-SU – Citizen feedback template

3-OP – Feedback from Other Professionals Template

Part 4: 9 Months, progressive development review

4-HP – Heading page

4-PDM – Progressive development meeting

4-PDP – Professional development plan

Part 5: 6-12 Months, final review and assessment

5-HP – Heading page

5-CR – Critical reflection log six to twelve months

5-DO – Direct observation three template

5-OP – Feedback from other professionals template

5-PDP – Professional development plan for post ASYE

5-PQS – KSS self-assessment tool

5-RSPA 1

5-SU – Citizen feedback template

5-VPD – Verification of professional documentation

Post April 2024 ASYE templates

Part 1: Beginning ASYE NQSW

1-Confidentiality statement

1-Heading page

1-Support and assessment agreement

NEW 1-Initial professional development meeting

NEW 1-Professional development plan 0-three months

Part 2: 0-3 Months, foundation review

2-Heading page

2-NQSW supporting information for the first three months foundational review part 1

NEW-2 Direct observation one template

NEW-2 Feedback from other professionals template

NEW-2 Professional development plan three to six months

NEW-2 RSPA foundational review at three months

NEW-2 Verification of professional documentation viewed to date

Part 3: 3-6 Months, interim review and assessment

3-Critical reflection zero to six months

3-Heading page

NEW-3 Direct observation two template

NEW-3 Feedback from other professionals template

NEW-3 Professional development plan six to twelve months

NEW-3-RSPA three to six months interim assessment at six months

NEW-3 Verification of professional documentation viewed to date

Part 4: 9 Months, progressive development review

4-Heading page

4-Progressive development meeting

NEW-4 Professional development plan nine to twelve months

Part 5: 6-12 Months, final review and assessment

5-Critical reflection six to twelve months

5-Direct observation three template

5-Feedback from other professionals template

5-Heading page

5-Professional development plan for post-ASYE

5-Verification of professional documentation viewed to date

NEW-5-NQSW supporting information for 12-months review

NEW-5-RSPA six to 12 months final review including recommendation of assessment decision

NEW-Presentation feedback sheet for observers

NEW-Presentation guidance for NQSWs

Practice Education

Practice Educators stage 1 and stage 2 assessment packs for Greater Manchester have been updated to reflect the recent changes in Practice Educator Professional Standards (PEPS).

Practice Educator Professional Standards For Social Work

Assessment Pack for STAGE 1: Practice Educator Professional Standards

Assessment Pack for STAGE 2 Practice Educator Professional Standards

BASW PCF Framework – End of First Placement

BASW PCF Framework – End of Last Placement

Adult Social Care Induction Programme for Students

Practice Education Guidance for PEs and Managers

Practice Educator Onsite Supervisor Brief Guide to Placement 2023-24

Appendix A – Supervision Agreement

Appendix D – Supervision Record Template

Travel Expenses / Mileage Claim: Procedure for Student Social Workers placed within MCC Adult Social Care

Vendor Create Form – Commercial Vendors

Travel Expenses Claim Form for Students (FV60)

Practice Educator and Onsite Supervisor Rates

Social Work Progression Level 2-3

Career Progression Guidance for Level 2 Social Workers in Adult Social Care

Social Work Research

Charter for Social Work in Adult Social Care

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