Welcome to the latest edition of the Manchester Adult Services Adult Policies, Procedures and Practice (APPP) Portal.
This page provides a summary of how to use this site, its main features, a list of the amendments which have been made and the date of the next revision.
Click on this link to watch a recording of one of the Adult Social Care Policy Portal Staff Information Sessions (45 minutes). This includes an online demo of the features of the site (starts at 8 minutes 30 seconds).
- Finding your way around the Portal
- Accessibility Options
- Using the APPP Portal on Mobile Phones and Tablets
- Resources
- ePractice
- Quick Reads and Audio Summaries
- Reading Confirmation
- Chapter Feedback
- CQC We and I Statements
- Amendments
- Date of the Next Revision
- Legal Disclaimer
- Search
- Copyright
Finding your way around the Portal
This site is divided into different sections. On the home page there are a number of buttons:
- ASC Procedures – which contains policies, procedures and practice guidance for Manchester Adult Social Care;
- Local Policies – this section contains local policies that were previously held on the Intranet. Staff with a manchester.gov.uk email address will need to register to access this section;
- Carers – information and services for carers in Manchester;
- Commissioning – information about services commissioned by Manchester Adult Social Care;
- Professional Development – information to support professional development for Manchester Adult Social Care staff;
- Safeguarding – which has links to local safeguarding information and the Manchester Safeguarding Partnership website;
- Legislation, Guidance and Key Links – links to local and national information, key legislation and practice guidance;
- Technology Enabled Care – key information about technology Enabled care (TEC), formerly known as assistive technology.
When you are in the ASC Procedures section, there are a number of tabs on the left side of the screen when viewed on larger screens or by clicking on the lined box in the top right corner on smaller screens (such as phones or tablets):
- Home contains the introduction page of the ASC Procedures section. It also includes Using this APPP which gives information about using this site, and Register with Us to receive notification when this APPP is updated.
- Contents contains the policies, procedures and practice guidance chapters. These are divided into sections which can be viewed by clicking on the arrow on the right of ‘Contents’;
- Resources provides a range of relevant supporting information (see below). The different sections can also be viewed by clicking on the arrow on the right of ‘Resources’.
Accessibility Options
This portal has a number of different options to aid online reading. Using the ‘Accessibility’ drop-down menu on the left-side of the screen, you can change to green, blue or pink backgrounds, yellow text on a black background or you can return to the default setting.
You can also resize the website by pressing CTRL and + together to make the site larger, you can keep pressing this to increase the zoom level. Pressing CTRL and – together makes the site smaller. This is a feature built into your web browser, known as in-browser zooming, and so depending on the browser you’re using the controls may be different.
In addition, the site is designed to be accessible for users of text only and screen reader software programs which allow blind or visually impaired users to read the text that is displayed on the computer screen with a speech synthesizer or braille display. Our content is consistently structured, including headings, which makes using the software on our site easier. Also, when viewed through screen reader software, every page has a ‘Skip to main content’ link which allows software users to go straight to the main content of that page instead of receiving the full navigation options every time. Please share this information with blind or visually impaired colleagues.
Using the APPP Portal on Mobile Phones and Tablets
This Portal works well on internet enabled mobile phones and tablets by typing in the weblink in the internet address bar. When used on a mobile phone, the website will immediately convert into a mobile phone friendly version, where the tabs sit behind the Menu button. If it does not work straightaway, tap on the refresh circle in the address bar.
If your phone or tablet has a reader option (it may be an ‘R’ or say ‘Reader’ in the address bar, you may have to install it), tap on it and it will convert the text into a more easy to read version for phones or tablets.
Adding Shortcuts to the APPP
You can easily access the APPP by installing a shortcut on your device, which will directly open up your internet browser to the APPP site. You can do so using the following methods:
- on desktop / laptops: go to the homepage of the APPP website in your internet browser, then bookmark it using your browser’s bookmark feature. Open your browser’s list of bookmarked websites and drag the APPP bookmark onto the desktop of your device;
- on smartphones / tablets: open the APPP portal website in your internet browser.
The Resources section contains a number of links and documents to supplement the information in chapters. It includes
- Case Law and LGSCO Reports – information about case law and key reports in relation to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman investigations into complaints against local authorities;
- Case Studies – currently populated by case studies from the Care and Support Statutory Guidance;
- CQC Single Assessment Framework – information about the single assessment framework which the CQC will use to inspect providers, local authorities and integrated care systems;
- ePractice – quizzes which you can complete to test your understanding;
- Glossary – definitions and key terms used in this site;
- Integrated Care – links to organisations and documents related to the health and social care integration agenda;
- Legislation – links to relevant legislation;
- Statutory and National Guidance – links to national guidance, particularly from ADASS, LGA and SCIE;
- Organisations – links to websites for relevant national organisations;
- Provider Resources – links to guidance and other information and national organisations who provide services and support to provider services;
- Quick Reads and Audios – summaries which provide key information for staff who do not need to know the full detail of the chapter;
- Research and Report Briefings – written by the Policy Partners Project and our associates to reflect current issues or recently released research reports;
- Safeguarding Adults Reviews and Inquiry Reports – links to significant SARs.
For ease of use, if you can open the Portal in two tabs next to each other you can click on the Resources section to consult related resources without leaving the chapter you are reading.
Staff at Manchester Council can send a message to the Social Work Consultants, who are the point of contact in Manchester ASC and oversee the coordination of this Portal, if you have a comment, suggestion or recommendation you wish to make. They can be contacted on adultsocialworkconsultants@manchester.gov.uk.
Some key chapters in this APPP Portal have epractice questions at the end, which help you test your understanding of the subject and provide evidence for your continuing professional development. This is the full list of ePractice chapters.
At the top of the questions are a couple of fields for you to complete about who you are (name and email address). It also asks for your manager’s email address.
The questions are straightforward to answer. Some will only allow for a single choice of answer, for example true or false, and others have check-boxes which allow you to tick as many as you feel apply.
Once you reach the end just click on the blue’ Submit’ button to send in your answers. All questions must be answered before you can do this. You will automatically be taken to a detailed results page, showing you how you did and explaining the answers further. You’ll also receive a copy of those results via email, as well as a certificate of completion should you pass. Your manager will also be notified of your results.
Quick Reads, Audios and Videos
Some chapters have summaries (Quick Reads) and Audios which provide key information for staff who do not need to know the full detail of the chapter. They can be found at the top of the relevant chapter. A full list can be found in Quick Reads, Audios and Videos in Resources, with some videos produced by Adult Social Care staff.
Reading Confirmation
This form enables Adult Social Care staff to confirm they have read specific chapters in this APPP. This is useful for newly employed staff as part of their induction, supervision, CPD and for team discussions for example.
Chapter Feedback
You can provide feedback on whether you found this site useful by using the ‘Was this helpful?’ tool at the bottom of each page. If you found the content useful, select the ‘yes / thumbs up’ image, or if it was not helpful, you can select ‘no / thumbs down’. You will be given the option to provide additional feedback / comment. Any feedback you provide is anonymous.
CQC We and I Statements
At the top of relevant chapters, we have added Quality Statements statements from the CQC Assessment Framework for local authorities.
The local authority commitments are included to help staff understand the service the CQC expects a ‘good’ local authority to provide. Written as ‘we statements’ they set out the commitments that local authorities should live up to in order to deliver truly person-centred care and support.
Statements about what people expect are taken from the Think Local, Act Person Making it Real Framework which was developed with adults using services to capture what good, person-centred care looks like to them. These statements are included to help staff understand what a good experience of care looks and feels like from the perspective of an adult who is in contact with the local authority.
The chapter you wish to amend must be copied into Word and amended using track changes. Making Changes to Chapters gives information about how to make the changes in the way we require. If you want to make any changes to any chapters or write a new chapter, please first contact the Social Work Consultant Team via adultsocialworkconsultants@manchester.gov.uk to discuss your ideas.
With each revised edition of your APPP Portal, we indicate which chapters are new or have been updated. This information will be available in the table below and at the top of each chapter.
30 August 2024
Section | Change |
Local Policies | The latest version of the Charging Team: Overview, Financial Assessment Process and Care Assessor Responsibilities powerpoint has been added to the Charging and Financial Assessment section. |
5 July 2024
Section | Change |
Local Policies | In the ASYE Portfolio Templates section, new templates have been added for staff starting after April 2024. So there are currently two sections – one for staff starting before this date and one after.
The latest version of the Deferred Payment Agreements Leaflet has been added in the Charging and Financial Assessment section. |
22 April 2024
Section | Change |
Local Policies, Charging and Financial Assessment | The latest version of these leaflets have been added to the Charging and Financial Assessment Section:
A powerpoint about the Charging Team: Overview, Financial Assessment Process and Care Assessor Responsibilities has also been added. |
31 January 2024
Section | Summary |
Mental Capacity | Videos produced by Manchester Adult Social Care staff have been added. |
Homelessness | Videos produced by Manchester Adult Social Care staff have been added. |
No Recourse to Public Funds | This chapter has been updated throughout as a result of local and national review. It should be reread. |
Quick Reads, Audios and Videos | All the videos produced by Adult Social Care staff in Manchester have been added to this page. |
29 January 2024
Section | Detail |
Local Policies | These documents have been added to the Safeguarding Section: Adult Social Care Safeguarding Training Programme 2024 – 2025; High Risk Protocol; Safeguarding Adults: Guidance for Practitioners; and Safeguarding Policy and Procedures. |
21 December 2023
New chapter | Detail |
Adult Social Care Accessible Information | This chapter outlines key information about accessible information in Manchester Adult Social Care. |
11 December 2023
Safeguarding Procedures for Responding in Individual Cases | In Section 14.2 Relevant information, a link has been added to Gaining Access to an Adult Suspected to be at Risk of Neglect or Abuse published by SCIE and What Constitutes a Safeguarding Concern and how to Carry out an Enquiry published by the Local Government Association. |
Care Act 2014 | In Section 3.2 Relevant information, a link has been added to Care Act: Legal Duties and Impact on Individuals published by SCIE training. |
Working with Autistic Adults | In Section 8.2 Relevant information, a link has been added to Case Studies about Improving Support for People with a Learning Disability and Autistic People published by the Local Government Association. |
Adult Safeguarding | In Section 11.2 Relevant information, a link has been added to Using the Inherent Jurisdiction in relation to Adults published by 39 Essex Chambers. |
Mental Capacity | In Section 7.2 Relevant information, a link has been added to Fluctuating Capacity in Context published by 39 Essex Chambers. |
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards | In Section15.2 Relevant information a link has been added to Mental Capacity Act / DoLS Codes of Practice Update published by39 Essex Chambers. |
Involving People who Use Services / Coproduction | In Section 3.2 Relevant information, a link has been addedto Am I Invisible? Using Co-production to Advocate Change in Social Care published by SCIE. |
Independent Advocacy | In Section 10.2 Relevant information, a link has been added to Advocacy Services for Adults with Health and Social Care Needs (NICE) |
Statutory Advocacy Service | In Section 9.2 Relevant information, a link has been added to Advocacy Services for Adults with Health and Social Care Needs (NICE) |
13 October 2023
Section | Detail |
Local Policies | In the Safeguarding section, the Domestic Violence Protection Orders: Welfare and Compliance Visits poster has been added. |
27 September 2023
Section | Detail |
Local Policies | In the Safeguarding section, the Forced Marriage Protocol – Adult Social Care and Serious Incident Safeguarding Adults Review Policy have been added. |
5 September 2023
Section | Detail |
Professional Development | A new section, Principal Social Work Team has been added and a diagram of the Team for 2023 has been included. |
24 August 2023
Section | Detail |
Professional Development | In the Practice Education section, the Practice Educator Onsite Supervisor Brief Guide to Placement 2023-24 has been added which replaces the previous version. |
10 August
Section | Detail |
Carers Manchester | Young Carers Training: Spotlight Sessions information has been added in the scope box. |
9 August 2023
Section | Detail |
Professional Development | In the ASYE Portfolio Templates, Part 3: 3-6 Months, interim review and assessment section, 3-OP – Feedback from Other Professionals Template has been added |
28 June 2023
Chapter | Detail |
Continuity of Care | Section 8, Health and Social Care Needs has been updated to include a link to the latest version of Who Pays guidance, published by NHS England. |
Homelessness | A link has been added in Section 7.1, Relevant information to Capacity and Housing Issues published by 39 Essex Chambers. |
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards | This chapter has been updated throughout and should be reread. |
Mental Capacity | This chapter has been updated – see Section 3, Excluded Decisions and Section 4.3, Causative nexus. |
Direct Payments | This chapter has been updated to include information from Improving Directing Payments Oversight published by the Local Government Association. |
Working with Autistic Adults | This chapter has been reviewed and updated to include information on The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism. |
New chapter / section | |
Providing Culturally Appropriate Care | This chapter provides information about offering culturally appropriate care, which is about understanding and being sensitive to people’s cultural identity or heritage, especially when arranging or providing their care and support. |
CQC We and I Statements | At the top of relevant chapters, we have added We and I statements from the CQC Assessment Framework for local authorities. |
Date of Next Revision
This APPP Portal is regularly updated. Internal email notifications will be sent out to all staff each time it is updated.
Legal Disclaimer
The information and opinions within this website are for information purposes only. They are not intended to constitute legal or other professional advice, and should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice relevant to particular circumstances. Manchester City Council (MCC) shall accept no responsibility for any errors, omissions or misleading statements on this website, or for any loss which may arise from reliance on materials contained on this website. Certain parts of this site may link to external Internet sites, and other external Internet sites may link to this website. MCC is not responsible for the content of any external Internet sites.
No mention of any organisation, company or individual, whether on these pages or on other sites to which these pages are linked, shall imply any approval or warranty as to the standing and capability of any such organisations, companies or individuals on the part of MCC
Copyright: MCC retains copyright in all of its material placed on the site; permission must be sought before such material may be used for any other purpose (please contact the Social Work Consultants regarding permissions).
Privacy: This website does not store or capture personal information except where specifically indicated. Under no circumstances will MCC authorise any person to reveal or pass on personal details of anyone with whom it has business dealings to another individual or organisation except as approved in connection with the matter to which those dealings refer, or unless MCC is legally obliged to do so. All telephone calls to and from MCC are recorded for training and security purposes, and all incoming and outgoing email traffic is monitored.
Contact: MCC welcomes comments or suggestions from staff about this website. Please address any comments (or complaints) about this website to the Social Work Consultants (adultsocialworkconsultants@manchester.gov.uk).
On the home screen, type in the word or phrase you are looking for in the ‘Search’ facility and press ‘Enter’. It will bring up a list of all the chapters where it appears. Click on the one you want. The word / phrase will remain highlighted in the chapter. If you want to narrow down your search add ” around the word or phrase, for example “safeguarding”.
If you want to search for specific text within a chapter or a pdf document, you can also press ‘Ctrl’ and ‘f’ together. A box will appear in the top right of your screen. Type in the word / phrase you want to find and press ‘Enter’. The number of times it appears in the chapter will be displayed next to your word. Use the up and down arrows next to it to find all the references.
This Portal has been designed to be used online. If you print a chapter, for example to take to a meeting, please note it is valid for 72 hours only from the date it was printed. Whilst APPP Portal resources are usually updated every six months, there may be occasions when they are updated urgently as a result of a Safeguarding Adults Review or inspection recommendation, so it is important to be sure that you are using the most recent copy. This is why we recommend that if you have to print a chapter, you no longer refer to it after that time.
Please remember that the resource can be also accessed on mobile phones and tablets (see Using the APPP Resource on Mobile Phones and Tablets).
The chapter content in this Portal can be accessed, downloaded and printed unchanged, on a temporary basis. Any content printed or downloaded may not be sold, licensed, transferred, copied or reproduced in part or in whole in any manner or format without the prior written permission of Policy Partners Project Ltd.