Neighbourhood Apartments Referral Form
Neighbourhood Apartments Brochure
Neighbourhood Apartment Licence agreement
Neighbourhood Apartment Allocated Worker Agreement Separate
- 1. Part One: Criteria
- Part 2: Referral Process
- Part 3: Acceptance Process
- 3.1 Social care input
- 3.2 Medical input
- 3.4 Citizen information and agreement
- 3.5 What the citizen needs to bring with them
- 3.6 Admission times
- 3.7 Updating social care records
- 3.8 Cost of Neighbourhood Apartments
- 3.9 During the stay
- 3.10 Exit plan
- 3.11 Evaluation form
- 3.12 How to find out further information
- Part 4: Citizen’s Consent to the Referral
1. Part One: Criteria
For persons aged 55+ or 60+ who require a period of eight to twleve weeks’ transitional housing with different levels of support. Please note that twelve weeks will be dependent on the needs of the individual; there may be cases where this is longer or shorter.
1.1 What is the purpose of Neighbourhood Apartments?
- To speed up hospital discharge for older people;
- To deflect people from residential care when alternative forms of care are available;
- To support a range of other health and care scenarios where a short stay would be beneficial, for example, people undergoing large adaptations to their home would have had to go to temporary residential care;
- Provide a discharge to assess opportunity.
1.2 Referral criteria
The person must:
- be resident in Manchester and registered with a Manchester GP;
- be aged 55+ or 60+ depending on the housing provider and scheme;
- have an allocated key worker; and
- have a clear exit plan.
1.2.1 Examples of types of referrals
- Someone leaving hospital whose home is no longer suitable for them and cannot be adapted, so they need to move somewhere while alternative suitable housing is found for them.
- Step down from residential care when it has been assessed that residential care is not required.
- Someone who is at risk of admission or readmission to hospital.
- Someone who is at risk of abuse from family, friends or the local community and needs somewhere safe to stay, for example, protection from cuckooing – the practice of taking over the home of a vulnerable person in order to establish a base for illegal drug dealing.
- Someone who cannot live at home at the moment because of a domestic housing emergency or unsafe property conditions, for example, a fire or flood etc, or hoarding or crisis clean required.
- Someone who is experiencing or at risk of carer breakdown.
- Someone who is having major adaptations on their home and need a short stay while the work is carried out.
- Someone who needs a bit more support than they would get at home for a short period.
- Someone whose housing needs have changed, and we need to find more appropriate accommodation for them in the long term.
1.2 Exclusion criteria
These apply to those:
- under the age criteria;
- not registered with a Manchester GP or resident in Manchester;
- requiring a Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Assessment;
- who have been assessed or deemed to require nursing or residential care;
- needing 24-hour care and waiting for a new placement at a nursing or residential home;
- needing constant supervision and who cannot be left alone;
- who cannot ask for help when they need it;
- lacking in capacity (depending on the severity);
- with a recent history of aggression, agitation, or challenging behaviour and who could put other tenants at risk;
- who are known to safeguarding and require a potential security presence;
- with a non-UK address;
- with substance and alcohol misuse who are unwilling to seek treatment.
Each case will be assessed on an individual basis.
Please note that all apartments are strictly non-smoking. Smoking is only permitted in the designated area within the scheme. Pets are also not permitted in the Neighbourhood Apartments.
Part 2: Referral Process
Step 1
Referrals will be accepted from health, social care and housing professionals, for example:
- Neighbourhood teams – health and social care staff (eg. social workers and pat assessors);
- Hospital discharge teams;
- Intermediate care;
- Reablement workers;
- Housing providers;
- GPs.
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of referrers.
Step 2
a) Referrers need to complete all the documents included in the referral pack (see Neighbourhood Apartments in Manchester: Referral Documentation and Guidance) and send it back to the Neighbourhood Apartment Co-ordinators:
- referral form;
- allocation / scoring tool;
- a signed statement regarding convictions and court action
- an allocated worker’s agreement which outlines the role of the allocated worker when a citizen they are supporting is staying in a Neighbourhood Apartments. By completing the referral form this is viewed as an agreement by the allocated worker to fulfil the responsibilities of the role. The Neighbourhood Apartment Allocated Worker Agreement Separate can be viewed separately here too.
b) Additional documents required:
- if there has been an assessment / Mancas and the support plan is completed, this must be attached to the referral.
c) Documents to be completed once the referral has been accepted:
- Citizen Licence Agreement form and returned to:
Neighbourhood Apartment Co-ordinators contact details
- Kate Kay Neighbourhood Apartment Co-ordinator, Adult Social Care Tel: 0161 219 2087 Mobile: 07773 537458 Email: or
- Eileen Reynolds Neighbourhood Apartment Co-ordinator, Adult Social Care Tel: 0161 219 2687 Mobile: 07970 378994 Email: or
- Daljit Singh (Dan) Neighbourhood Apartment Coordinator Adult Social Care Tel: 0161 219 6324 Mobile: 07971 617377 Email: or
Step 3
All referrals should be sent to the Neighbourhood Apartment Co-ordinators, who will process the referral within 24–72 hours from receipt of referral. Please note this may take longer if additional information has been asked for by any of the involved parties. The decision to accept the referral will be based on the assessment information provided. This will involve the Neighbourhood Apartment Co-ordinator, the housing provider manager, and/or the team leader (care provider). The Neighbourhood Apartment Co-ordinator will inform the referrer as appropriate:
- the referral is accepted;
- an allocation is available;
- the service-user is on a waiting list;
- the referral is unsuccessful and the reasons why.
Where the number of applicants is above capacity, priority will be given to the more urgent cases. Prioritisation will be done through a scoring tool, which the referrer will complete.
Part 3: Acceptance Process
Once a referral has been accepted, the Neighbourhood Apartment Co-ordinator will send a confirmation email with all the relevant details:
- the address of the scheme;
- the contact details for the scheme manager and care team;
- a move-in date and end date;
- care package requirements;
- what the citizen needs to bring;
- details of signing the citizen agreement.
3.1 Social care input
If the citizen is going into a sheltered scheme and requires care, you will need to commission an external package of care or reablement in the usual way. If the citizen is going into extra care and requires care and if there is capacity from the onsite care provider, then hours will be taken off the commissioned block contract. If there is no capacity, then again you will need to commission an external package of care or reablement.
NB. An exception is Village 135 and The Depot, as they have onsite reablement teams during the day and an onsite care provider or Community Alarm during the night.
3.2 Medical input
3.2.1 GP
Citizens who have a local GP will remain under their care while in the apartment (fax their GP to inform them of transfer).
Citizens with GPs outside the local area will need to be temporarily registered with a local GP with agreement for the duration of their stay (fax to inform them of transfer).
This will be for acute intervention only, not routine visits.
3.2.2 Pharmacy
Citizens who are transferred from intermediate care or hospital will need a supply of medication for a minimum of one week. Patients / families must inform their own GP for prescriptions after this period. The care provider can assist with this process if needed.
3.3.3 Therapy
During their stay, citizens will continue to receive therapy interventions from the Intermediate Care Therapy Team as clinically required. Please identify this where possible in the referral form.
3.3.4 Nursing
Nursing care will be provided by the Community Nursing Teams as necessary, and therapy / social care teams are to make any referrals.
3.3.5 Equipment
Any equipment needed will be provided by the relevant teams as if the citizen were at home. Families will need to be aware that this equipment will need to be transported home with them following their stay in the apartment.
3.4 Citizen information and agreement
Once a referral has been approved by the Neighbourhood Apartment Co-ordinator, the citizen will be given a copy of the Citizen Licence Agreement, which will need to be signed by the citizen and returned to the Neighbourhood Apartment Co-ordinator:
The Citizen Licence Agreement outlines the expectations and conduct of living in both the apartment and the overall Sheltered Housing / Extra Care Scheme. It is a legal document.
3.5 What the citizen needs to bring with them
There is no charge for staying in a Neighbourhood Apartment. Manchester City Council will cover the cost of the rent and the utility bills. All the apartments are fully furnished.
Please ensure that the citizen, carer and their family and friends are aware they will need to bring clothing, toiletries, food, shopping and cleaning materials with them, for example, toilet rolls and washing-up liquid. Where the citizen moving in has no family or friends to collect initial shopping, this would then be the responsibility of the allocated worker to arrange.
Citizens will also need to bring any necessary money and equipment personal to them. Bedding and towels will be provided and there is a separate laundry room in the apartment block that can be utilised.
A telephone is not provided in the flat, so please ensure that the citizen, family and friends are aware they will need a mobile telephone if they want to make personal phone calls.
If a citizen requires support with cleaning and shopping, please ensure that this is included in the support plan, as this is not included in the Neighbourhood Apartment’s service. The allocated worker must support with this process. A Frequently Asked Questions leaflet is available about Neighbourhood Apartments.
3.6 Admission times
Once a referral has been approved by the Neighbourhood Apartment Co-ordinator the admission time will be agreed between the scheme manager and allocated worker. Generally, this will be Monday to Thursday during normal office hours to ensure that keys / fobs for the apartment can be handed over and any necessary information passed to the individual using the Neighbourhood Apartment.
Admissions can be made on a Friday, but will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. To reduce risks to the individual and support staff it would be preferable to avoid Friday afternoon admissions to ensure that appropriate support is available for them from the outset of their stay.
Once the citizen moves, we ask you to add temporary address on their social care record. The Neighbourhood Apartment Co-ordinator will add a case note entry to say when the placement has been agreed and when the move is to take place, plus any other essential information.
3.8 Cost of Neighbourhood Apartments
There is no charge for rent or bills etc for a stay in a Neighbourhood Apartment; this is covered by Manchester City Council. However, in order for us to monitor usage, a new uncosted element has been added for Neighbourhood Apartments on social care record. This is purchased in the same way as Homecare, and the Neighbourhood Apartment Co-ordinators will complete this.
3.9 During the stay
The Neighbourhood Apartment Co-ordinators will keep in touch during the period the citizen is in the apartment; they will check everything is going okay and keep up to date with the exit plan etc.
If there are any issues, you can get in touch with the Neighbourhood Apartment Co-ordinators or the scheme manager.
If there are any issues during a citizen’s stay which cannot be resolved, or if their needs can no longer be met in a Neighbourhood Apartment, then they may be asked to leave before the end of their stay, for more suitable accommodation.
3.10 Exit plan
The discharge / exit plan and any onward referrals will be co-ordinated by the allocated worker. An exit plan will form part of the referral, so referring professionals will need to consider how long the person will need support for, usually a maximum of eight to twelve weeks. Please note this is for short-term support only. If a citizen is to be rehoused following their stay in a Neighbourhood Apartment, then allocated workers will need to engage with the HOOP (Housing Options for Older People service). The HOOP service is aimed specifically at people over 50, their families and carers. It informs people about their housing options. The HOOP officers work closely with health and social care professionals, using a holistic, person-centred approach to ensure that people’s needs are addressed and met in relation to their requirements. HOOP officers are also able to help you with people in hospital who require rehousing. You will need to complete a hospital discharge form, which may help you gain a band one priority. Also, having the correct identification could speed the process to be rehoused. Details of the HOOP service are included in the housing section of the referral form.
Please also ensure that they have the appropriate finances and benefits in place ready for when they move. In addition, if they require furniture for their new accommodation, please ensure they are saving money to assist them with purchasing this. Please see below for links to Manchester City Council’s Welfare Provision Scheme and appropriate charities.
Get Essential Items of Furniture (Manchester City Council)
The link below also provides information about other charities who can support with furniture:
Get Second-Hand Furniture and Goods (Manchester City Council)
3.11 Evaluation form
There is also an evaluation form for the citizen to complete upon exit of the flat. The Neighbourhood Apartment Co-ordinator will arrange to undertake this once a final exit date has been agreed; however, the Neighbourhood Apartment Co-ordinator may ask for your assistance with this as the allocated worker.
3.12 How to find out further information
(These pages require login):
- Find out about the apartments, schemes and how to refer;
- View each apartment– with photos and details;
- Read comprehensive FAQs– everything you need to know about making referrals and what happens when people stay there;
- Check current availability online and download the forms to request an apartment;
- Learn about the Housing Options for Older People Service (HOOP).
In order to get a login and get on the mailing list you need to email
There is a lot of other really useful information on the extranet about the MCLO too.
Part 4: Citizen’s Consent to the Referral
Please note that the referrer will be contacted within 24–72 hours of receipt of the referral to confirm the outcome of the referral.
Please note this may take longer if additional information has been asked for by any of the involved parties.
It should also be noted that if there has been an assessment and support plan completed, this must be attached to the referral.
Please include as much information as possible and provide a full picture of the citizen’s background and needs in order for us to make an informed decision and help us expedite the referral as quickly as possible.
In order to progress the citizen’s referral and seek agreement from the relevant professionals involved with the Neighbourhood Apartments we require consent to share the information in this form.
The information will not be shared with anyone else other than professionals involved in the Neighbourhood Apartment application.
If you would like to find out more about what personal information we collect and why, please visit Independent Living (Manchester City Council).